Highgate (Excerpt)

“Give her a shove, Brian, for fuck’s sake!” Michael groaned. Claire was very nearly over the fence but her long winter coat had become snagged on an overhanging tree branch and her trespass into Highgate cemetery had been momentarily halted. Not one for delicacy, Brian didn’t hesitate in promoting the upward progress of his girlfriend’s buttocks as she shimmied the last few inches over the iron railing fence. She landed with a comforting sibilance of crushed leaves and disappeared through the bushes that lined the perimeter path The two of them quickly followed. The others were already inside by an point of entry, but they would meet up on the path that ran the perimeter of the cemetery. 

Claire’s plan was unanimously agreed, if not with equal enthusiam. It was approaching the end of October and it seemed appropriately mischievous to Claire that they should infiltrate the hallowed ground of Highgate Cemetery. Everyone who knew Claire realised that the prospect of being able to boast among friends of having carried off with aplomb another risky endeavour was the primary consideration. Hers was the broad masterstroke. Others could work out the details.

Untitled #91.

One and nine in the making, 
willow wept, a salt sack,
mannacled in an emerald eye.
tempest-taken in a sucking 
weather world. you, in a gilt rage 
nailed on a hell’s highway, 
poured the sky’s joy from a hidden spring. 

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