Crude Spoof on Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis.

Pour forth your tweets, lift up woeful voices;
Let the forums echo with sorrowful cries.
Grossly falls an island nation once gracious,
More than which no other was Greater
Not in the whole western world for moderation.
Shaggy He, in the fallacious race was victor
Over the smallest; he now rebellious
moderates smears, fleeces with his lying
Missiles those who, averse to cack-handed
Government, and urging the honest
Headlong, would expose his bloated lies, while
Gove-cocks peck away at weak integrity, and 
Feeble anti-kakistocrats turn their backs.
Conqueror he of straw-man ghouls beyond the
Shores of Albion's sacred sea:
Even the burgundy-passported complainers
Forces he to bend their necks to the fetters
That Farage forged, and Parliament itself
To tremble before blood-boiled music-hall dominion.

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